Become a Member
Membership Options
The Club offers membership to a unique facility, quality food and personal service to provide the perfect setting for a successful gathering. For those who entertain professionally or personally, the Great Southern Club is a natural partner.
We provide our membership an upscale facility to use for both your business success and your personal pleasure.
By the direction of the Board of Directors, Membership in the Great Southern Club shall be only at the invitation of a member in good standing, and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and the board of Directors. If applicant is accepted, he or she will be declared elected to membership upon payment of required initiation fees and dues.
Payment of Account
Payment of the account is due upon receipt of the monthly statement. Accounts that become past due will be charged a 10% late fee on the balance that is own.
Refund of Initiation Fee
It is agreed that the fee enclosed herewith shall be refunded only if my application for membership is refused. It is understood that if my application is accepted, the Initiation fee shall be deemed fully earned and non-refundable.
$400 one time initiation fee.
A member living outside the three coastal counties of Hancock, Harrison and Jackson.
$400 one time initiation fee.
A resident member must reside in Harrison, Hancock, or Jackson Counties in the State of Mississippi.
No monthly dues ever.
A member who has paid the imitation fee, which is presently $7,500.00 thereafter no monthly dues will be required.
non-voting / voting
$104 / $74/mo
Not required to pay initiation fee.
Active or retired military member will not pay initiation but will pay resident or non-resident dues.